Thursday, November 14, 2019

Music video introducttion

     Today we start a new project a music video with us finally finishing our commercial we could move on to bigger and better things. before I talk about the video lemme give you run down on how our last project went.On October 12th we finished are commercial project. The project went swell we were able to easily do everything. The only problem we had in our group was editing and exporting. We had a lot of arguments about the editing process and when we attempted to export our video the computer didn't allow us. But now we've moved on though our group has slightly changed our music will go great with want we want. Our group decided for our do a music video we'd chose the song Gary Come Home by Sponge bob. We'd probably use a lot of shadows since this song is a sad song. We need everything to be dark and moody. We would also probably not need to do much editing since all we would really need to do is add text music and shadows/filters.
    Since we chose a sad song like Gary Come Home we had to learn more about this type of genre. I will now give you a rundown of what we learned during our research. The first thing we wanted to learn about is what our genre contains. Our song is considered to be a sad ballad. Sad songs usually are pretty sad and relate to the reader or makes the reader sympathize with the main protagonist of the song. While ballads usually contain some type of story whether sad happy or adventurous. Now that you understand what the genre is about ill go over the song. Gary Come Home was a song sung by our lovely sponge Sponge bob in Season 4 Episode 3 of Spongebob Squarepants. Released on November 11, 2005 it contains a story of how Spongebob neglected his pet snail causing his snail to run away. Spongebob devastated at his snail disappearances starts looking for his snail he finds Gary and reunites him the episode ends and Gary is finally payed attention to.
      Now to go over the mis en scene and camera angles. Since our song is a sad ballad I will now go over what this genre of music contains. (C) Costumes for costumes being a sad ballad the main character can where anything as long as its serious or normal looking. (L) Lighting The lighting is usually dark and moody. (A) Actors The actors can be whatever as long as it is relevant to the story for example if the song is about a child being neglected it would footage of a child being neglected by a father. (M) Makeup For makeup a variety can be used for example fake tears, or messy makeup it really depends on what the song is talking about. (P) Props Props for this genre usually are relevant to the subject for example in a music video about a kid who lives a bad life they could show a kid losing a ball or the kid getting hit by an object it truly depends on the subject being covered within the song. (S) The setting is usually dark and moody just like the lighting for example a song about a neglected child would contain a house shrouded in darkness representing how the house to the child is somewhere dark a place he do'sent want to go. What we learned is that this genre and the things in are widely dependent on whats happening but usually make a dark mood.

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