One of the most important things about making a movie is ensuring that you get credit for your work. This is what titles are used for, giving credit where credit is due. This is a crucial step in any movie, and as a result they are in almost all movies. Art of the title is a site in which most box-office movie credit scenes are logged. Wikipedia describes it as "an online publication dedicated to title sequence design, spanning the film, television, conference, and video game industries. The publication is both an educational and historical resource and a contemporary publication, focusing on the creative process behind the design of title sequences." While this site can be used for more than just titles of movies, that is all we are planning to use it for. From this site, I learned which titles are crucial, director and editor being two examples. I also learned that each one needs to be shown at its own time and not in a group. Furthermore, I learned that the different colors and fonts are just as crucial as the background when setting up the mood of the movie. for our genre of thriller i learned that you should have a bright color for your fonts and then slowly have it fade into a dark background. By ding this you can create a jumpy mood for your watchers which can be a great hook. Through the research of this sight my group and I have learned a lot about titles. ow we must take what we learned and make a great movie..
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